The St. Louis City Preservation Board will review a proposal for shoehorning a 10-unit condo building into a long-vacant corner in the city’s Central West End. The Cultural Resources Office is recommending preliminary approval of the project. While only sketches of the project are available, the three-story building shows a residential entrance on Maryland, with garage entrance on the alley to access 10 ground level parking spaces. A Sanborn Fire Insurance map included in the Preservation Board materials depicts residential buildings that once faced Boyle Street.
[4301 Maryland Avenue proposal – Central West End Historic District]
Lauren and Mark Mathis
Staff Recommendation: That the Preservation Board grant preliminary approval to the proposal, subject to review of final documents, design details and materials by the Cultural Resources Office.
The Project: The applicants propose to construct a ten-unit three story condo building on a single vacant parcel. All new residential construction in Local Historic Districts is brought to the Preservation Board for review on a preliminary basis prior to permitting.
Preliminary Findings and Conclusion:
The Cultural Resources Office’s consideration of the criteria for new residential construction in the
Central West End Historic District Standards led to these preliminary findings:
- The proposed site for construction, 4301 Maryland Avenue, is located in the Central West
End Local Historic District. - The siting, scale, proportions, roof shape, and exterior materials comply with the
Standards. - The building’s floor heights, water-table, and foundation do not line up with the
neighboring property due to the ground floor garage. - The setback along Maryland cannot be followed due to the shape of the parcel.
Based on the preliminary findings, the Cultural Resources Office recommends that the Preservation Board grant preliminary approval for the proposed new construction with the condition that final drawings, design details, and exterior materials be approved by the Cultural Resources Office.
Video of Preservation Board meeting, added 5/24/17: