You should vote “YES” on Prop A because you want to tell Metro that change is good.
The last time a ballot measure asked St. Louis County voters to support additional mass transit funding the Blue Line had just been completed and the delays, construction issues and ultimately lawsuits were the image of Metro. Oh yeah, and if you’re interested the Blue Line also connected 10,000 students at Washington University, our second largest employment center in Clayton and the region’s most central shopping to our transit network. Ridership on the Blue Line has far exceeded expectations. But changes made since the opening of the Blue Line are why you should support Metro.
Matt Mourning over at Dotage St. Louis has put together an excellent list of Metro’s recent changes and improvements. By any measure the changes highlighted by Matt are nothing short of transformational:
New leadership with Bob Baer at the helm
Credit card ticket purchasing machines at stations
Additional heaters at busy stations
A new, more visitor friendly website
Next Stop official blog with timely updates and discussions
Plans for a new Grand Station transit plaza
Dozens of public workshops held to solicit feedback
A long range transit system plan
Solid plans for transit-oriented design infill
Google Transit compatibility
Dedication to art and overall rider experience
Dedication to art and overall rider experience
That’s a lot of change for the better in a very short period of time. A “YES” vote on Prop A will tell Metro that their efforts are appreciated, that with focused leadership that listens to public input, serious planning that provides a vision for the future and attention to detail, Metro will be supported by St. Louis. It’s clearly a new day at Metro.
So vote “YES” on Prop A, tell Metro that you recognize and appreciate their efforts to change.