Good news, the Tiffany Community Association Board decided not to recommend to its members that they support a QuikTrip gas station at Grand and Lafayette. Whether members go along with that recommendation remains to be seen.
In order to help inspire an outcome that meets the vision outlined in the Midtown Redevelopment Plan for a “signature development” there, we’re holding a What Should Be design competition! If you’re an architect, urban planner, real estate developer, or want to be one this is for you. We’re happy to offer a $500 prize for the winner!
The vision-
4. To create development opportunities and a physical environment that are
A.5 Key goals and Strategy for the redevelopment plan – St. Louis Midtown Redevelopment Corporation Master Plan, p. 10-11
conducive to expanding existing businesses, and attracting and incubating compatible new businesses.
· Incorporate convenient and compatible business services, retail shopping and services, dining, hotel/meeting facilities, entertainment and recreational facilities, and residential at a scale and character appropriate to support the primary businesses and institutional uses in and adjacent to the Redevelopment Area.
· Provide for a wide variety of development opportunities that include new urban scale and density construction, infill buildings, and the reuse of existing buildings that are attractive and can be adapted to the needs of new businesses and institutions, with special emphasis on the City Foundry Saint Louis Redevelopment and redevelopment of the St. Louis National Guard Armory.
· Eliminate facilities that create the image and reality of the Redevelopment Area being obsolete and blighted.
· Take maximum advantage of development opportunities afforded by land that is currently vacant or underutilized within the Redevelopment Area with particular focus on the significant development opportunity presented by the vacant land on the northwest corner of Grand Boulevard and Chouteau Avenue.
· Facilitate signature development and attractive streetscape features throughout the public realm along Grand Boulevard and at key entry locations to the Redevelopment Area to create an image that reflects a successful and progressive business, commercial, and development district. Key locations include Grand Boulevard at I-64, Chouteau Avenue at 39th Street and Compton Avenue, and Grand Boulevard at I-44.
· Seek to connect to and complement the proposed [Brickline] Greenway that is designed to flow through the center of the Redevelopment Area along the historic alignment of Mill Creek Valley.
· Improve the image and attractiveness of the Redevelopment Area through
enhancement of lighting, street trees, signage and quality building and site design along major access routes serving the Area – Grand Boulevard, Chouteau Avenue, Compton Avenue, and Forest Park Avenue in particular.
NextSTL – Demo Alert: QuikTrip Plans To Occupy Grand From Lafayette To McRe
Designing something that outshines a gas station is a no-brainer of course, but beating out your fellow competitors who know what CITY is will be tough.
You’ll be judged on how well your submission meets the goals and vision stated in the Midtown Redevelopment Plan quoted above. Be sure to heavily consider the neighbors in the Tiffany neighborhood aa well as feasibility (no 50-story towers).
NextSTL – Tiffany Neighborhood Gets A Plan With Help From Park Central
Submit rendering(s)/sketch, a site plan, and a narrative of your plan by December 13th to [email protected]
Some What Should Be examples-
NextSTL – What Should Be: One Kiener Plaza
NextSTL – What Should Be: A Re-Energized Landing
NextSTL – What Should Be At Jefferson and Broadway