Happy Valentine’s Day to Clemens Mansion – St. Louis, MO

Happy Valentine’s Day to Clemens Mansion – St. Louis, MO


“History is not a commodity. No individual owns cultural heritage. We have a civic responsibility to uphold and care for the historical lineage of our city. We assert the public claim when an owner is negligent both legally and culturally. McKee’s treatment of the Clemens House insults us all. ”

-Carlie Trosclair
-Michael Allen




The Clemens mansion once looked like this:


Then like this:


It was supposed to look like this:


But instead it looks like this:


And this:


Cupid hit a few buildings in St. Louis’ Gravois Park neighborhood last year, hoping to bring a little love to neglected places. Here’s hoping the Clemens mansion finally gets the love it deserves.

Valentines for Vacant Buildings; Gravois Park Houses Getting Some Love

Gravois heart


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