The City of St. Louis Cultural Resources Office is recommending preliminary approval of the proposed 14-story mixed use building in the Delmar Loop by Clayco and Forum Studio. Koman Group is the project developer. Planned for a long vacant lot just east of the Pageant and Big Shark Bicycles, the site is within the Skinker-DeBaliviere Catlin Tract Local Historic District, necessitating review by the city’s Preservation Board.
According to the Preservation Board agenda posted in advance of its January 25 meeting, the only item among a checklist of considerations for which the building does not comply is overall height. The historic district guidelines call for all new or altered buildings to be constructed to within 15% of the average height of existing buildings. The guidelines also recognize that proposed variations from established compatible heights should have a rationale derived from the building’s use or based on its location within the district. In short, the CRO finds that an exception should be made at this location.
New design renderings show a single-story retail front with a second story set back and topped by a resident amenity deck with the tower behind. Both buildings housing Big Shark Bicycles and Gokul Indian Restaurant at the west and east end of the development site respectively are shown remaining. Each adjoin lower portions of the new development, with one story next to Big Shark, and three immediately adjacent to Gokul. The address of the proposed development is 6103-6131 Delmar.
The 14-story building would contain approximately 210 market-rate apartments, with ground floor retail. Plans currently call for 210 parking spaces for residents in an internal garage. The seven-story Moonrise Hotel, completed in 2009, is currently the tallest building in The Loop. The CRO finds the proposal to be similar in form to the Moorise, with an L-form and a shorter building presentation along the street wall.
The design presented to the Preservation Board pulls back the former “U” building shape, forming an “L” by eliminating the upper floors on the western end. A story has been added to the plan, keeping the apartment count roughly the same. The project is aiming for an April groundbreaking followed by a 12-15 month construction period.
In November we reported (Clayco Plans 13-Story, 200-Apt Building in The East Loop) there will be approximately 400 bedrooms spread over 1, 2, and 3-bedroom apartments with units of 1 Bedroom ~650 square feet, 2 BD ~900 sq ft, 3 BD 11-1200 sq ft. Rents are expected to be about $2.50/sf. The development also plans for bicycle storage for 150 bikes and on-site car sharing service.
Two previous renderings of the Loop project: