Miracle holiday pop-up bar moves south to Benton Park

Miracle holiday pop-up bar moves south to Benton Park

The popular holiday themed pop-up bar headed up by Ted Charak, Ted Kilgore and Jamie Kilgore of Planter’s House is returning this year with a new location in Benton Park at Indiana & Lynch. According to city records the historic corner building was built in 1886. The bar will open on Black Friday and continue through New Year’s Eve.

A look inside the first floor window shows a way to go before the space is ready for its debut at the end of the month. A liquor license hearing is schedule for Next Wednesday November 15th. Miracle started in Manhattan in 2014 and has since expanded to over 50 franchise locations across the country. Jamie Kilgore told St. Louis Magazine this year’s St. Louis location will be “smaller and more reservations-oriented” than the previous space on Chouteau.

Make your reservations at https://www.exploretock.com/miraclestl/.


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