What’s Next?

Every day decisions both large and small are made that shape our urban environment. Only by being attentive to the choices before us can we effect a more livable future for our neighborhoods and cities. That's the reason this blog exists.
What’s Next?

In 2009, in one of the first posts on NextSTL, Alex Ihnen wrote:

Every day decisions both large and small are made that shape our urban environment. Many of these decisions are made with no public input or worse yet, with no particular knowledge of the subject at hand. A demolition is approved, a variance granted, streetlights chosen—and this is the process that over time creates our built environment. Where we live, where we work, where we travel are the result of this often mundane process. Only by being attentive to the choices before us can we effect a more livable future for our neighborhoods and cities. That’s the reason this blog exists.

These words are even more relevant today.

As reported by the Post Dispatch and Riverfront Times, Alex recently made an abrupt move to Cincinnati and took his analytical perspective on urban development with him. What stayed is this site with over 2,000 articles spanning almost 9 years.

Regular readers (and r/stlouis) have noticed the site has been quiet for the past few months as we worked through a somewhat complex transition process. Starting today I’ll be taking over day-to-day operations with Alex remaining on as a not-so-silent partner.

My background is primarily in development. I’m the Owner of South Side Spaces, a development company specializing in historic commercial renovations in South St. Louis. I’m also the founder of Nebula, the first coworking space in St. Louis. I was born and raised in St. Louis and have a degree in Computer Science from Truman State. More info on me in this interview with the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

My goal is to expand NextSTL into a broader platform with the same original mission and focus on development, architecture & design, urban planning, zoning, infrastructure, and public policy. I hope to facilitate civic conversations both online and off and challenge the status quo in St. Louis. In the coming weeks and months we’ll be adding more contributors from a variety of backgrounds. Plans are in the works for a new site design coming early next year.

If you have an idea for a story, a tip about a new development, something we should look into, or are interested in becoming a contributor you can reach me at [email protected].

Stay tuned and thanks for your patience as we continue the transition to what’s Next.



NextSTL is committed to providing original stories and unique perspectives on a variety of urban topics such as architecture, development, transportation, historic preservation, urban planning and design and public policy in St. Louis. We're always looking to add new, diverse voices to the mix. We accept anonymous tips, pitches for story ideas, and completed stories.

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