nextSTL Launches Kickstarter with Experiential Journalism: Thomas Crone & St. Louis Graffiti

Experiential Journalism: Thomas Crone & St. Louis Graffiti

Click here to check out the Kickstarter project page

Experiential Journalism: Thomas Crone & St. Louis Graffiti

Click here to check out the Kickstarter project page

The project narrative:

Thomas Crone is journalistic sand in St Louis’ swimsuit. He gets behind the surface, finds the cracks, burrows in and lurks for a while—sometimes a little too long. Lucky for us, he eventually emerges and tells the story of what he finds.

Thomas has reported on St. Louis culture and civics for two decades, writing for a large crosssection of local publications and websites. This summer, in covering the world of graffiti in St. Louis, he’s found a topic that neatly intersects a number of topics, deeply-rooted in the worlds of art, politics and the law.

Working on a 10-part series for, Thomas will document the local street art scene from the flood walls of Paint Louis to the back-alley touch-ups of Operation Brightside. Speaking to city officials, neighborhood activists and those involved in the activity themselves, the series will highlight multiples angles of the graffiti culture and its impact on the city around it. Though not completely limited to the urban environment, it’s safe to say that the piece will be focused on the central core of the St. Louis region, with the City serving as the primary home for the conversation. All pieces will be accompanied by original photography and occasional video.

In collaboration with Art Monster's Chris Sabatino, supporters at the $50 level and greater will receive a unique logo T-shirt.

This is your opportunity to support Thomas and quality journalism in St. Louis. All contributions go directly to Thomas in full. The goal is to raise $2,000 to support his work on this ambitious series. Reaching this funding goal will be a statement that the many hours to be dedicated to this series, the interviews, the photography, videos, and skilled storytelling, is valued in and by our community. It’s a new model in St. Louis that aims to support quality in-depth journalism at its best. Additional support for the project is being provided by The Royale and The series will be published exclusively at each Wednesday for 10 weeks starting July 31.

Click here to check out the Kickstarter project page


NextSTL is committed to providing original stories and unique perspectives on a variety of urban topics such as architecture, development, transportation, historic preservation, urban planning and design and public policy in St. Louis. We're always looking to add new, diverse voices to the mix. We accept anonymous tips, pitches for story ideas, and completed stories.

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