Beginning Friday night with scenes from The Pruitt-Igoe Myth: an Urban History, a diverse group of stakeholders and community residents came together to learn more about vacant property in St. Louis, the challenges vacancy imposes, creative reuse and potential for future development. To add to the online discussion, provide feedback on individual panels and follow coverage of vacancy in St. Louis, visit the Open/Closed page. The conference was taped in full and will be made available online as soon as all video is processed. would like to thank those who helped make Open/Closed possible: organizers RJ Koscielniak, Dayna Kriz, Nat Zorach, Kasey Klimes and Andrew Faulker, and many others who helped with items big and small. Thank you to conference sponsors: the Greater University Service Foundation, Urban Chestnut Brewing Company, the Rebuild Foundation and the Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis. Finally, we owe a debt of gratitude to Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church, who graciously open their doors and gave Open/Closed a home.
{Michele Duffe speaks at Open/Closed}
{RJ Koscielniak moderates the Reuse/Reviable panel at Open/Closed}
{Paul McKee, Jr., Michael Allen, Antonio French and Stephen Acree discuss vacant property at Open/Closed}