The old B.C.S. Moving and Storage Company at Chouteau and Boyle is near transformation to loft apartments by Restoration St. Louis. The thing you’ll want to check out is the funky floorplan. Presumably this arrangement squeezes as many units into the building as possible. The building will have 29 units: 3 studios, 13 1br and 13 2br. Units 103-112 should be interesting with three levels and an open area extending to all floors. Units are now listed on Craigslist starting at $600 for a 1br including water, trash, sewer and DVD checkout.
This project and the hopefully coming soon Station G are adding density to FPSE that hasn’t been seen since the 1960’s. Next step – quality residential infill east of Newstead.
4244 Chouteau Lofts Floor Plan
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