Genius: Brookings Institution calls for integrated transportation and housing planning

It seems logical enough and should have been practice all along, but it’s good to see intelligent advocacy, especially at a time when Congress may be more receptive. Just a peek as to the magnitude of ties between housing, transportation and our cities:

Read the full Brookings Institution Congressional Testimony here

The 100 largest metropolitan areas contain just 12 percent of the nation’s land area and 65 percent of its population but account by themselves for 75 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product. They are also where 61 percent of our mortgageable housing units are located, and where 78 percent of all mortgages are that are now in the foreclosure process. On transportation, they are where 78 percent of our interstate highway miles are travelled; where 92 percent of transit miles are ridden, and where 93 percent of rail passengers board.


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