Sharing The Challenge: Floodplain Management Into The 21st Century (The 1994 Galloway Report)

Sharing The Challenge: Floodplain Management Into The 21st Century (The 1994 Galloway Report)

The opening lines of the Galloway report read: The Midwest Flood of 1993 was a significant hydrometeorological event. In some areas it represented an unusual event; in most others, however, it was just another of the many that have been seen before and will be seen again. Flood flows similar to those experienced by most of the Midwest can occur at any time.

St. Louis, Missouri, and other parts of the Midwest are currently experiencing significant flooding – some will break records set in 1993. Twenty-two years after that record flood, it’s worth looking back at the report issued in 1994. It would seem that few of the recommendations proffered have been followed with any determination.

While it’s clear that human intervention has exacerbated flooding, it’s unclear that we have the will to do better. From the report: The Review Committee supports a floodplain management strategy of, sequentially, avoiding inappropriate use of the floodplain, minimizing vulnerability to damage through both structural and nonstructural means, and mitigating flood damages when they do occur.By controlling runoff, managing ecosystems for all their benefits, planning the use of the land and identifying those areas at risk; many hazards can be avoided.

Sharing The Challenge: Floodplain Management Into The 21st Century (The Galloway Report) by

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