Ryan companies, in partnership with Life Care Services, has submitted a new proposal for the old Schnucks site at the premier corner of Clayton and Hanley Road. This site has seen several development proposals come and go over the years but economics, traffic concerns, Clayton design standards and ingress/egress issues have proven troublesome. Ryan believes their new single-use concept fills a void for senior living in Clayton while proposing a use that won’t cause traffic and parking concerns for nearby residents.
Senior housing planned for former Schnucks property at Hanley and Clayton

The 15-story tower on the Hanley side will create an iconic new entry to Clayton while the building shortens to only 4 stories as it proceeds east towards Westwood. 195 independent units, with a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom formats will be market rate with rents starting north of $4k/mo. A spokesperson from Ryan says they expect only about 70% of those residents will have cars and they’re not typically driving during peak hours.
The central 4 story section of the project will house the 68 assisted living 1 and 2 bedroom units while and an additional 18 unit memory care facility will occupy the east wing. Overall, the proposed 440k sqft facility will have 281 units, 225 parking spaces, bistro, pub, salon, workout facility, a multipurpose room, and a rooftop terrace. Some amenities will be open for public use.
An application has been sent to the state for Certificate of Need approval and Ryan Companies is hopeful to gain approval and start construction this fall. Check back for more updates as the project moves through the approval process.