Images of Anew, A New Iconic Space in Grand Center

Images of Anew, A New Iconic Space in Grand Center

It’s the kind of place we see in other cities and say, “why can’t we have that in St. Louis?” A year-and-a-half ago we reported that a rooftop bistro was coming to one of Grand Center’s already iconic buildings. Named “Anew“, the rooftop addition opened this past fall as a test kitchen and event space.

We love reporting on new projects, concepts, and ideas, but every once-in-a-while it’s great to take a look at how a unique project turned out. Anew isn’t large, with 4,250sf of rooftop space and 2,250sf inside, but it certainly makes a big impression. Here’s to hoping St. Louis continues to find creative projects. Tyson Pyle, a Senior Designer at HDA Architects, was the project designer.


From our previous NEXT STL report:

rooftop garden bistro - Big Brothers Big Sisters, Grand Center - St. Louis, MO

A $3M building permit was issued late last month for a long awaited rooftop garden atop the Big Brothers Big Sisters building in St. Louis’ Grand Center arts district. The project had be rumored earlier this year, with BSI Constructors being named general contractor. An invitation to bid on components of the project was released by BSI in May. Project images had appeared on the HDA Architects website, but are no longer posted.

Images show a contemporary dining and event space labeled Bistro 501. If the design remains similar to that pictured, the addition will be very prominent from street level as it sits above the three-story corner building. The space will be approximately 2,000sf and available for special events. There has been no announcement as to whether it will be open to the public on a daily basis. Construction is scheduled to begin yet this year.

rooftop garden bistro - Big Brothers Big Sisters, Grand Center - St. Louis, MO
rooftop garden bistro - Big Brothers Big Sisters, Grand Center - St. Louis, MO
rooftop garden bistro - Big Brothers Big Sisters, Grand Center - St. Louis, MO
rooftop garden bistro - Big Brothers Big Sisters, Grand Center - St. Louis, MO
{Big Brothers Big Sisters building today}
{Previously a Woolworths, the building prior to renovation}

The project is yet another big addition to a now fast developing Grand Center. Recently we featured what we might expect following the renovation of the Missouri Theatre Building and the investment from Bull Moose Tube. Other project in recent years include the Metropolitan building, which has been fully renovated as artist lofts. Jazz St. Louis recently completed a total overhaul and expansion, KDHX independent radio found a home here, and the Grand Center Arts Academy makes its home in two incredible historic buildings. Then there’s the new St. Louis Public Radio and it’s even newer Public Media Commons shared with The Nine Network. And then Fox Associates recently announced it will be opening Curtain Call, a champagne bar, in a street level space next to the Fox Theatre’s main entrance on Grand.


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