Fountain Park Property to See Some Rehab Work? (1106-08 Bayard)

Fountain Park Property to See Some Rehab Work? (1106-08 Bayard)

A month ago, STLNABEDEV departed from usual posting format to alert readers to a desperately needed rehab — the beautiful though decaying mixed-use building located at 4831 Fountain Avenue in the Fountain Park neighborhood (also addressed as 1106-08 Bayard).

Per city permit records, owner Titsworth Properties, LLC has applied for a $20,000 building permit (interior and exterior alterations) for 1106-08 Bayard on June 28, 2013. The permit has not yet been issued.

Below is a photograph (from Geo St. Louis, circa 2008) of the structure:

While a relatively small permit amount for the work necessary to bring the building up to code, the $20,000 could do quite a bit to stabilize and mothball the building (actually, two buildings) for the foreseeable future.

Granted, the owner has applied for several building permits in the past (of nearly the same dollar amount, too), only to see them never issued and ultimately cancelled without any work completed.

Let us hope this time the owner of this irreplaceable building will shore it up for future generations to admire.

Click here for a map of the area.


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