Novelly, Apex Plan 10-Story Clayton Tower

Apex - Clayton, MO
{Forsyth Plaza will likely be razed for a 10-story Apex Oil tower}

WhoLou sources allege Apex Oil intends to construct a 10-story building near the Merrill Lynch Centre at 8235 Forsyth in Clayton where the company is headquartered. Apex Oil CEO and Horatio Alger Award honoree Tony Novelly owns the 245,000 sq. ft. Merrill Lynch Centre. In recent years Novelly has purchased several other buildings in that immediate area leading to speculation the site would soon be developed.

Recent activity though, according to sources independent of each other, would seem to indicate that this development is no longer just a rumor. It is alleged that Apex Oil has hired architect ACI Boland to design the 10-story building and is meeting with contractors regarding construction.

Novelly, Apex Plan 10-Story Clayton Tower

Apex - Clayton, MO
{Forsyth Plaza will likely be razed for a 10-story Apex Oil tower}

WhoLou sources allege Apex Oil intends to construct a 10-story building near the Merrill Lynch Centre at 8235 Forsyth in Clayton where the company is headquartered. Apex Oil CEO and Horatio Alger Award honoree Tony Novelly owns the 245,000 sq. ft. Merrill Lynch Centre. In recent years Novelly has purchased several other buildings in that immediate area leading to speculation the site would soon be developed.

Recent activity though, according to sources independent of each other, would seem to indicate that this development is no longer just a rumor. It is alleged that Apex Oil has hired architect ACI Boland to design the 10-story building and is meeting with contractors regarding construction.

The mixed-use building is expected to feature between 180,000 to 200,000 sq. ft. of office space. That square footage also includes retail space which will be exclusive to the first floor according to sources. It is further alleged that the development will require the demolition of several existing buildings.

Apex - Clayton, MO
{the two-story buildings bottom-center will make way for a new tower}

Other properties Novelly owns in that area include the Lawyer’s Title Building at 8230 Forsyth and the former U.S. Title building at 8135 Forsyth. The Lawyer’s Title Building is currently being solicited to potential renters  according to the Crest Management website. Novelly’s son Jared is the Crest Management principal.

Apex Oil distributes, stores, and trades petroleum and petroleum products. They operate oil terminals and are also involved in the tugboat and barge business. According to Forbes Apex Oil is the #85 largest private company in the United States. The company employs 700 and posted revenue of $4.39 billion in 2012.

An attempt to reach Apex Oil development representative Mike Schoedel for comment was unsuccessful. Schoedel is an alderman in Frontenac. He was formerly Clayton City Manager for four years and also Clayton Chamber of Commerce president in 2012.

Apex Oil - Clayton, MO
{2008 Apex Oil tower proposal for northeast corner of Brentwood and Forsyth – via nextSTL forum user wabash}

Apex 7
{another rendering shows a proposal on Brentwood that once aimed for a 2010 completion date – building shown above is 19-stories with 275Ksf of office and 20Ksf retail}

Apex Oil - Clayton, MO
{2008 proposal would have faced west onto Brentwood on the surface parking lot}

Apex Oil - Clayton, MO
{ACI Boland was the architect of the Merrill Lynch Forsyth Centre Tower adjacent to the new proposal}

Previous plans for the site Apex is considering – images by Christner:

Clayton rendering

Clayton rendering

Apex - Clayton, MO
{the Mid-Century Clayton-Forsyth building owned by Novelly will apparently be spared for now – image by Toby Weiss}


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