—UPDATE: 8/17/12 at 1:20pm—
An astute reader has noted that the designs shown below are no longer current. This address has gone before the Preservation Board more recently than in April 2011. A new design, more of a bungalow-style, was approved by the Preservation Board in February of this year. See below for a drawing.
The original post follows below. It shows the project’s previous iterations. If there is a better rendering of the above home, we will post it here.
Apologies for the confusion, and hat tip to architect/designer of the previous plans, Paul Hohmann for this correction.
A $270,000 building permit has been issued to construct a single family home on a vacant lot at 4136 Flad in the Shaw neighborhood. The contractor is Urban Improvement Construction (UIC).
The City’s Cultural Resources Office (CRO) reviewed and approved the design of the infill structure back in April 2011 (see the agenda here); the Preservation Board then accepted CRO’s recommendation and OK’d the design. The Shaw neighborhood is in a local historic district and requires review of all new construction for compliance with Shaw’s historic district standards. Below is a rendering of the proposed building obtained from that agenda (note that it was a redesign).
And below is another shot of the proposed construction, prior to the redesign shown above, that shows the building in the context of its neighbors: