New Single Family Home Constructed in Franz Park (1540 Fairmount)

New Single Family Home Constructed in Franz Park (1540 Fairmount)

The single family home at 1540 Fairmount has been built on a block in the Dogtown area (Franz Park neighborhood) that is primarily new construction. The block is also notable for having some incredible views of the entire city due to its high elevation. Some have even nicknamed the pinnacle of the 1500 block of Fairmount “Mount Dogtown”. Still, these currently empty lots have been subdivided and will soon be built upon. But that’s for another post.

1540 Fairmount is pictured below in this MARIS photograph. The 3 bedrooom, 2.5 bath home is presently for sale for $230,000. That link also contains interior photographs.

Click here for a map of the area.


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