Downtown STL Residents Meeting to Feature Mayor Slay, 5th, 6th, 7th & 19th Ward Alderwomen, SLMPD

christchurch cathedralThis Tuesday, June 26th, from 6:30-8:30 PM, the Downtown St. Louis Residents Association (DSLRA) will be holding its annual Town Hall Meeting at Christchurch Cathedral at 1210 Locust Street in downtown St. Louis. As Vice-President of the DSLRA I would like to invite residents, business owners, and others interested in moving downtown forward, to our annual downtown get-together. This neighborhood meeting will provide an opportunity for you to address your quality of life issues, as well any safety concerns you might have.

In addition to a panel discussion, a visual study presentation will be shown, as well as the Neighborhood Online Survey Results. You can still participate in this survey at ShowMeWash Ave.Org. This will be an excellent opportunity to make your voice heard in a vis-à-vis with elected officials about a variety of issues that come with the tremendous success we’ve experienced in the last decade in the downtown community. This is a very important time for those of us that invest, live, work & play in downtown St. Louis.

Downtown STL Residents Meeting to Feature Mayor Slay, 5th, 6th, 7th & 19th Ward Alderwomen, SLMPD

christchurch cathedralThis Tuesday, June 26th, from 6:30-8:30 PM, the Downtown St. Louis Residents Association (DSLRA) will be holding its annual Town Hall Meeting at Christchurch Cathedral at 1210 Locust Street in downtown St. Louis. As Vice-President of the DSLRA I would like to invite residents, business owners, and others interested in moving downtown forward, to our annual downtown get-together. This neighborhood meeting will provide an opportunity for you to address your quality of life issues, as well any safety concerns you might have.

In addition to a panel discussion, a visual study presentation will be shown, as well as the Neighborhood Online Survey Results. You can still participate in this survey at ShowMeWash Ave.Org. This will be an excellent opportunity to make your voice heard in a vis-à-vis with elected officials about a variety of issues that come with the tremendous success we’ve experienced in the last decade in the downtown community. This is a very important time for those of us that invest, live, work & play in downtown St. Louis.

The DSLRA panel participation:
St. Louis Mayor Francis G. Slay
St. Louis City Alderwomen:
  5th Ward – Tammika Hubbard
  6th Ward – Kacie Starr Triplett
  7th Ward – Phyllis Young
  19th Ward – Marlene Davis
St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department:
 Lt-Col Larry O’Toole 

I am thankful to have been given the opportunity to welcome you, introduce our panel and moderate the Q & A session this Tuesday evening on the premises of our gracious event host, Christchurch Cathedral. If you have any questions you would like to ask to one of the panel members, please email them to [email protected]. The purpose of this meeting is to make the voices of downtown residents heard. We will try to get in as many questions within the time frame available. (You will be able to write down your question when entering the meeting as well.)

What: Downtown Town Hall Meeting
When: Tuesday, June 26, from 6:30-8:30 PM
Where: Christchurch Cathedral, 1210 Locust Street (just east of Central Library).
DSLRA Town Hall 2.0


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