1417 Destrehan – Part of Hyde Park South Redevelopment – Under Rehab

1417 Destrehan – Part of Hyde Park South Redevelopment – Under Rehab

The striking red brick structure with a full length bay located at 1417 Destrehan is but one of the buildings in the ambitious 50-unit multi-million dollar rehabilitation project known as Hyde Park South (click here for the development’s construction website).

This photo of 1417 Destrehan, obtained from the website linked above, is dated 4/30/2012.

A Google Streetview capture from October 2011 shows that much work has been performed on this structure in the intervening months.

For more on the Hyde Park South development, please visit nextSTL.

For all Hyde Park South coverage on this blog, please click on the “Hyde Park South Development” tag.

For a map of the area, click here.


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