Richmond Heights Needs You

Richmond Heights Needs You

On January 6 Richmond Heights posted on its Facebook page that there were no candidates filed for city council in districts 1 and 4 for the April election. Each district has two council members representing 2,141 souls. One seat in each district is up for election April 5. Paperwork to file is due January 19.

Richmond Heights District Map

This is your chance to make a difference. If you embrace the traditional development pattern over clear-cutting neighborhoods for a Menards, Richmond Heights needs you. If a large apartment building in District 2 sounds good to you, Richmond Heights needs you. If you aren’t afraid of the bus and train and embrace walkability, Richmond Heights needs you. If you are regionally-minded and want to work with your neighbors to keep the inner-ring strong, Richmond Heights needs you. If you think rekindling the consolidation effort with Clayton is a good idea, Richmond Heights needs you.

From the Richmond Heights website
Election Packets are now available for pickup at the front desk of City Hall. Candidates must file their nomination petitions and acceptance of nomination forms at City Hall between November 23, 2015 and January 19, 2016. City Hall is located at 1330 S. Big Bend Boulevard and is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you have questions, please contact Deputy City Clerk Pat Villmer, at 314-645-4595.


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